In this section we examine the dual addition formula for the Weiersrass $\wp$ function.
The dual addition formula is obtained as a consequence of the following remarkable algebraic identity, let
\Delta \space = \space \big[(x_1x_2 + x_1x_3 + x_2x_3) - (e_1e_2 + e_1e_3 + e_2e_3)\big]^2 \space - \space 4 (x_1x_2x_3 - e_1e_2e_3)\big[(x_1+x_2+x_3) - (e_1+e_2+e_3)\big]
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}}
1 & x_1 & \hphantom{+}\sqrt{(x_1 - e_1)(x_1 - e_2)(x_1 - e_3)} \\
1 & x_2 & \pm\sqrt{(x_2 - e_1)(x_2 - e_2)(x_2 - e_3)} \\
1 & x_3 & \pm\sqrt{(x_3 - e_1)(x_3 - e_2)(x_3 - e_3)} \\
1 & x_1 & x_1^2 \\
1 & x_2 & x_2^2 \\
1 & x_3 & x_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix}^2} \space = \space \Delta \space = \space
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}}
1 & e_1 & \hphantom{+}\sqrt{(e_1 - x_1)(e_1 - x_2)(e_1 - x_3)} \\
1 & e_2 & \pm\sqrt{(e_2 - x_1)(e_2 - x_2)(e_2 - x_3)} \\
1 & e_3 & \pm\sqrt{(e_3 - x_1)(e_3 - x_2)(e_3 - x_3)} \\
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
This formula is a bit puzzling because when one of the determinants on the left vanishes, one on the right must also vanish.
But which one?
This question suggests that each of the determinants should be further factorisable.
We will show that each determinant can be factored into four further determinants.
And that each of these further determinants can then be factored into another four factors,
resulting in infinite sequence of products of $4^n$ algebraic factors representing $\Delta$.
Formulation In Terms Of Weierstrass $\wp$ And $\sigma$ Functions
The Frobenius-Stickelberger formula[1] for $n=2,3$ gives
1 & \wp(u) & \wp^2(u) \\
1 & \wp(v) & \wp^2(v) \\
1 & \wp(w) & \wp^2(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space \frac {\sigma(u-v)\sigma(u-w)\sigma(v-w)\sigma(u+v)\sigma(u+w)\sigma(v+w)} {\sigma^2(u)\sigma^2(v)\sigma^2(w)}
- \tfrac 1 2
1 & \wp(u) & \wp'(u) \\
1 & \wp(v) & \wp'(v) \\
1 & \wp(w) & \wp'(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space
1 & \wp(u) & \sqrt{(\wp(u)-e_1)(\wp(u)-e_2)(\wp(u)-e_3)} \\
1 & \wp(v) & \sqrt{(\wp(v)-e_1)(\wp(v)-e_2)(\wp(v)-e_3)} \\
1 & \wp(w) & \sqrt{(\wp(w)-e_1)(\wp(w)-e_2)(\wp(w)-e_3)} \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space \frac {\sigma(u+v+w)\sigma(u-v)\sigma(u-w)\sigma(v-w)} {\sigma^3(u)\sigma^3(v)\sigma^3(w)}
Putting $x_1=\wp(u),x_2=\wp(v),x_3=\wp(w)$ in the LHS of cubicsym gives the formula
\Delta(u,v,w) \space = \space \frac {\sigma(u+v+w)\sigma(u+v-w)\sigma(u-v+w)\sigma(u-v-w)} {\sigma(u)^4\sigma(v)^4\sigma(w)^4}
with each of the factors corresponding to one of the determinants in an obvious way.
Factorisation Of RHS Determinants Into $\sigma$ Functions
We now seek to do a factorisation similar to fs3 of the determinants on the RHS of cubicsym.
Swapping the order of variables under the square root sign for convenience, the determinants on the RHS have the formula
H(u,v,w,\delta_1,\delta_2,\delta_3) \space = \space
1 & e_1 & \delta_1\sqrt{(\wp(u) - e_1)(\wp(v) - e_1)(\wp(w) - e_1)} \\
1 & e_2 & \delta_2\sqrt{(\wp(u) - e_2)(\wp(v) - e_2)(\wp(w) - e_2)} \\
1 & e_3 & \delta_3\sqrt{(\wp(u) - e_3)(\wp(v) - e_3)(\wp(w) - e_3)} \\
for suitably chosen $\delta_i$.
Using identity cubicsymwe can deduce that
\frac {\imath H(u,v,w,1,1,1) \thinspace \imath H(u,v,w,1,-1,1) \thinspace \imath H(u,v,w,1,1,-1) \thinspace \imath H(u,v,w,1,-1,-1)}
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix}^2} \enspace = \enspace \Delta(u,v,w)
which after rearranging, and noting $H(u,v,w,1,-1,-1) = -H(u,v,w,-1,1,1)$ then using Delta2 gives
H(u,v,w,1,1,1) H(u,v,w,-1,1,1) H(u,v,w,1,-1,1) H(u,v,w,1,1,-1) \space = \space -
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\frac {\sigma(u+v+w)\sigma(u+v-w)\sigma(u-v+w)\sigma(u-v-w)} {\sigma(u)^4\sigma(v)^4\sigma(w)^4}
This is true no matter which rule is used to select the signs of the square roots, as long as it is applied consistently over all factors.
So we know the factorisation of the product of the determinants, what remains is to determine which factors belong to which determinants.
Handy Preliminary Formulae
Using the DLMF definitions of $\sigma, \omega_i, \eta_i$
we have
\omega_1+\omega_2+\omega_3 = 0\qquad\qquad
\eta_1+\eta_2+\eta_3 = 0\qquad\qquad
\eta_2\omega_1 - \eta_1\omega_2 = \eta_3\omega_2 - \eta_2\omega_3 = \eta_1\omega_3 - \eta_3\omega_1 = \tfrac 1 2 \pi \imath
which implies
\eta_1 \omega_1 + \eta_2\omega_2 + \eta_3\omega_3 \space = \space
-2(\eta_1\omega_2 + \eta_2\omega_3 + \eta_3\omega_1) - \tfrac 3 2 \pi \imath \space = \space
-2(\eta_2\omega_1 + \eta_3\omega_2 + \eta_1\omega_3) + \tfrac 3 2 \pi \imath
We also have with $i,j,k$ distinct
\sigma(z+2\omega_i) = - e^{2\eta_i (z+\omega_i)} \sigma(z) \qquad\qquad
\sigma(z-\omega_i) = - e^{-2\eta_i z} \sigma(z+\omega_i) \qquad\qquad
\sigma(\omega_j - \omega_i) = e^{-2\eta_i\omega_j}\sigma(\omega_k)
and therefore
\wp(z) - \wp(u) \space = \space - \frac {\sigma(z-u)\sigma(z+u)} {\sigma^2(z)\sigma^2(u)} \qquad\qquad
\wp'(z) \space = \space - \frac {\sigma(2z)} {\sigma^4(z)} \qquad\qquad
\wp(z) - e_i \space = \space - \frac {\sigma(z-\omega_i)\sigma(z+\omega_i)} {\sigma^2(z)\sigma^2(\omega_i)} \qquad\qquad
e_j - e_i \space = \space e^{-2\eta_i\omega_j} \frac {\sigma^2(\omega_k)} {\sigma^2(\omega_i) \sigma^2(\omega_j)}
and combining eta, sigma and wpwp gives
\kappa \space = \space
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space
(e_1-e_2)(e_2-e_3)(e_3-e_1) \space = \space
\frac {e^{\eta_1\omega_1+\eta_2\omega_2+\eta_3\omega_3+\sfrac 3 2 \pi \imath}} {\sigma^2(\omega_1)\sigma^2(\omega_2)\sigma^2(\omega_3)} \space = \space
\frac {\sigma(\omega_1 - \omega_2)\sigma(\omega_2 - \omega_3)\sigma(\omega_3 - \omega_1)} {\sigma^3(\omega_1)\sigma^3(\omega_2)\sigma^3(\omega_3)}
We also need these sigma duplication formulae
\sigma(2z) \enspace = \enspace \frac {2\sigma(z)\sigma(z+\omega_1)\sigma(z+\omega_2)\sigma(z+\omega_3)} {\sigma(\omega_1)\sigma(\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_3)} \enspace = \enspace
-\frac {2\sigma(z)\sigma(z-\omega_1)\sigma(z-\omega_2)\sigma(z-\omega_3)} {\sigma(\omega_1)\sigma(\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_3)}
Extract The Square Roots
We now seek to show $\sqrt{(\wp(u)-e_1)(\wp(v)-e_1)(\wp(w)-e_1)}$ is a meromorphic function and give it a definition, unambiguous with regard to sign.
Define $h_i(z)$ so that it's residue is $+1$ at $z=0$
h_i(z) \space = \space \sqrt{\wp(z) - e_i} \space = \space
-e^{\eta_i z} \frac {\sigma(z - \omega_i)} {\sigma(z)\sigma(\omega_i)} \space = \space
e^{-\eta_i z} \frac {\sigma(z + \omega_i)} {\sigma(z)\sigma(\omega_i)} \qquad\qquad\qquad
h_1(z)h_2(z)h_3(z) \space = \space -\tfrac 1 2 \wp'(z)
We get the relations with $i,j,k$ distinct
h_i(z) = \frac 1 z \space + \space \bigO(z) \qquad\qquad
h_i(-z) = -h_i(z) \qquad\qquad
h_i(z + 2\omega_i) = h_i(z) \qquad\qquad
h_i(z + 2\omega_j) = -h_i(z) \qquad\qquad
h_i'(z) = -h_j(z)h_k(z)
Now we can explicitly define the square roots in H.
H(u,v,w,\delta_1,\delta_2,\delta_3) \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & \delta_1\thinspace h_1(u) h_1(v) h_1(w) \\
1 & e_2 & \delta_2\thinspace h_2(u) h_2(v) h_2(w) \\
1 & e_3 & \delta_3\thinspace h_3(u) h_3(v) h_3(w) \\
From this we can see
H(-u,v,w,1,1,1) \space &= \space - H(u,v,w,1,1,1) \\
H(u+2\omega_1,v,w,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,1,-1,-1) \\
H(u+2\omega_2,v,w,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,-1,1,-1) \\
H(u+2\omega_3,v,w,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,-1,-1,1) \\
and similar identities for the $v$ and $w$ variables.
Therefore in the arguments $u,v,w$ $H$ is an odd function and further
$H$ is an elliptic function of order 4 over the doubled period lattice $2\Omega=[4\omega_1,4\omega_2]$.
An Addition Formula for $h_i$
The functions $h_1,h_2,h_3$ are equivalent, after scaling, to the Jacobian elliptic functions $\ns,\cs,\ds$ with $\displaystyle k^2 = \frac {e_3-e_1} {e_2-e_1}$.
From this observation, it is easy to determine this addition formulae for them
h_i(u+v) \enspace = \enspace \frac {h_i(u) \thinspace h_i'(v) \space - \space h_i(v) \thinspace h_i'(u)} {h_i^2(u) \space - \space h_i^2(v)}
\enspace = \enspace \frac {h_i^2(\omega_j)h_i^2(\omega_k) \space - \space h_i^2(u)h_i^2(v)} {h_i(u) \thinspace h_i'(v) \space + \space h_i(v) \thinspace h_i'(u)}
$K = h_1(\omega_2), \space \sn = K/h_1, \space \cn = h_2/h_1, \space \dn = h_3/h_1$ implies $K^2 = e_2 - e_1$, $\sn^2 + \cn^2 = 1$ and $k^2\sn^2 + \dn^2 = 1$
A well known addition formula for $\sn$ is
\sn(u+v) \enspace = \enspace \frac {\sn^2 u \space - \space \sn^2 v} {\sn u \cn v \dn v \space - \space \sn v \cn u \dn u}
\enspace = \enspace \frac {\sn u \cn v \dn v \space + \space \sn v \cn u \dn u} {1 \space - \space k^2 \sn^2 \sn^2 v}
which translates to
\frac K {h_1(u+v)} \enspace = \enspace \frac {K^2/h_1^2(u) - K^2/h_1^2(v)} {K h_2(v) h_3(v) / h_1(u) h_1^2(v) - K h_2(u) h_3(u) / h_1^2(u) h_1(v)} \qquad \implies \qquad
h_1(u+v) \enspace = \enspace \frac {h_1(u)h_2(v)h_3(v) \space - \space h_1(v)h_2(u)h_3(u)} {h_1^2(v) \space - \space h_1^2(u)}
\frac K {h_1(u+v)} \enspace = \enspace \frac {K h_2(v) h_3(v) / h_1(u) h_1^2(v) + K h_2(u) h_3(u) / h_1^2(u) h_1(v)} {1 - k^2 K^4/h_1^2(u)h_1^2(v)} \qquad \implies \qquad
h_1(u+v) \enspace = \enspace \frac {h_1^2(v) h_1^2(u) \space - \space k^2K^4} {h_1(u)h_2(v)h_3(v) \space + \space h_1(v)h_2(u)h_3(u)}
from which follows add_h for $h = h_1$.
By symmetry it is also true for $h_2,h_3$.
$\sigma$ Factorisation
With respect to the doubled period lattice $2\Omega$ the expression $\Delta(u,v,w)$, considered as a function of $u$ has a set of 16 zeroes at $u = \pm v \pm w - 2\omega_i$ for
$i=0,1,2,3$ (putting $\omega_0=0$ for notational convenience).
Therefore each of the four $H$ factors in Hprod, considered as a function of $u$, must have four zeroes from this set.
Since $H$ has odd symmetry it's set of 4 zeroes must also have odd symmetry, that is they must be invariant under $(u,v,w) \mapsto (\pm u, \pm v \pm w)$.
So if $u+v+w$ is a factor of $H$ so is $u-v+w$, $u+v-w$ and $u-v-w$.
Therefore the set of zeroes are partitioned between the $H$ factors as in this table
Table 1
E $+++$ |
E $++-$ |
E $+-+$ |
E $-++$ |
H $+++$ |
$u+v+w$ |
$u+v-w$ |
$u-v+w$ |
$-u+v+w$ |
H $-++$ |
$u+v+w+2\omega_1$ |
$u+v-w+2\omega_1$ |
$u-v+w+2\omega_1$ |
$-u+v+w+2\omega_1$ |
H $+-+$ |
$u+v+w+2\omega_2$ |
$u+v-w+2\omega_2$ |
$u-v+w+2\omega_2$ |
$-u+v+w+2\omega_2$ |
H $++-$ |
$u+v+w+2\omega_3$ |
$u+v-w+2\omega_3$ |
$u-v+w+2\omega_3$ |
$-u+v+w+2\omega_3$ |
Similarly $\Delta$ has 16 poles consisting of 4 poles of order 4 at $u = 2\omega_i$ for $i=0,1,2,3$.
Therefore $H(u,v,w,+1,+1,+1)$ can be expressed as a $\sigma$ product, over the period lattice $\Omega$, as follows
H(u,v,w,1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace -2 \kappa \cdot \frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2)}
{\sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)}
To verify the leading constant put $u,v,w = z$ and expand both sides of H3 as a power series about $z=0$.
Starting by computing the power series for $h_i(z)$ noting that $h_i(z)^2 = \wp(z) - e_i$ and $\wp(z) = z^{-2} + c_2 z^2 + \bigO(z^4)$ implies that
h_i^2(z) \enspace &= \enspace z^{-2} \enspace - \enspace e_i \enspace + \enspace c_2 z^2 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(z^4) \\\\
h_i(z) \enspace &= \enspace z^{-1} - \enspace \tfrac 1 2 e_i z \enspace + \enspace (\tfrac 1 2 c_2 - \tfrac 1 8 e_i^2) z^3 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(z^5) \\\\
h_i^3(z) \enspace &= \enspace z^{-3} \enspace - \enspace \tfrac 3 2 e_i z^{-1} \enspace + \enspace (\tfrac 3 2 c_2 + \tfrac 3 8 e_i^2) z \enspace + \enspace \bigO(z^3)
Substituting this into the definition of $H$, H2 then using column operations to eliminate leading terms gives
LHS \enspace = \enspace H(z,z,z,1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & h_1^3(z) \\
1 & e_2 & h_2^3(z) \\
1 & e_3 & h_3^3(z) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & \tfrac 3 8 e_1^2 z \space + \space \bigO(z^3) \\
1 & e_2 & \tfrac 3 8 e_2^2 z \space + \space \bigO(z^3) \\
1 & e_3 & \tfrac 3 8 e_3^2 z \space + \space \bigO(z^3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 3 8
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \thinspace z \enspace + \enspace \bigO(z^3)
Expanding the RHS of H3 gives
RHS \enspace = \enspace -2\kappa \cdot
\frac {\sigma(\tfrac 3 2 z) \thinspace \sigma(\tfrac 1 2 z) \thinspace \sigma(\tfrac 1 2 z) \thinspace \sigma(-\tfrac 1 2 z)} {\sigma^3(z)} \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 3 8 \kappa \thinspace z \enspace + \enspace \bigO(z^3)
confirming that the leading constant in H3 is correct.
$\sigma$ Factorisations For Other Sign Variants
Under the substitution $u \mapsto u+2\omega_1$ equation H3 becomes
H(u,v,w,-1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace 2\kappa \cdot \frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}}\sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 + \omega_1)}
{\sigma(u + 2\omega_1) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)}
H(u+2\omega_1,v,w,1,1,1)\space = \space H(u,v,w,1,-1,-1) \space = \space -H(u,v,w,-1,1,1)
and then cancel the minus signs on both sides.
Other sign variants are similar.
Symmetric Product Form
Although equations H3 and H4 are symmetric in $u,v,w$ the righthand sides do not appear so.
The righthand side symmetry can be made clear like this
1 & e_1 & \hphantom{+}h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w) \\
1 & e_2 & \hphantom{+}h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w) \\
1 & e_3 & \hphantom{+}h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \frac
{\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2) \thinspace \sigma(- \frac u 2 + \frac v 2 +
\frac w 2)}
{\sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)} \\\\\\
1 & e_1 & -h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w) \\
1 & e_2 & \hphantom{+}h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w) \\
1 & e_3 & \hphantom{+}h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \frac
{\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \omega_1) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_1) \thinspace
\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_1) \thinspace \sigma(- \frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_1)}
{e^{2\eta_1\omega_1} \thinspace \sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)} \\\\
1 & e_1 & \hphantom{+}h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w) \\
1 & e_2 & -h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w) \\
1 & e_3 & \hphantom{+}h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \frac
{\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \omega_2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_2) \thinspace
\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_2) \thinspace \sigma(- \frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_2)}
{e^{2\eta_2\omega_2} \thinspace \sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)} \\\\
1 & e_1 & \hphantom{+}h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w) \\
1 & e_2 & \hphantom{+}h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w) \\
1 & e_3 & -h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot \frac
{\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \omega_3) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_3) \thinspace
\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_3) \thinspace \sigma(- \frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_3)}
{e^{2\eta_3\omega_3} \thinspace \sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v)\thinspace \sigma(w)}
This formula is obtained by manipulating the first and last sigma factors.
For the second one we have
\frac {\prod \sigma(\tfrac u 2 \pm \tfrac v 2 \pm \tfrac w 2 + \omega_1)} {\sigma(u+2\omega_1)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)} \enspace &= \enspace
\frac {\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_1) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_1)
\thinspace\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_1)\thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_1)} {\sigma(u + 2\omega_1)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)} \\\\
&= \enspace \frac {e^{\eta_1(u+v+w)+i\pi} \cdot \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \omega_1) \cdot
\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_1) \cdot \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_1) \cdot
e^{\eta_1(u-v-w)+i\pi} \cdot \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 - \omega_1)}
{e^{2\eta_1(u + \omega_1)+i\pi} \cdot \sigma(u) \sigma(v) \sigma(w)}
We can perform a cross check against Hprod by multiplying together H3 and the three variants of H4,
and then simplifying using the sigma duplication formulae sigmaDup to give
H(u,v,w,1,1,1) H(u,v,w,-1,1,1) H(u,v,w,1,-1,1) H(u,v,w,1,1,-1) \enspace = \enspace
-16\kappa^4 \cdot \frac {\sigma^4(\omega_1)\sigma^4(\omega_2)\sigma^4(\omega_3)} {16}
\cdot \frac {\sigma(u+v+w)\sigma(u+v-w)\sigma(u-v+w)\sigma(-u+v+w)} {e^{2(\eta_1\omega_1+\eta_2\omega_2+\eta_3\omega_3)} \thinspace \sigma^4(u)\sigma^4(v)\sigma^4(w)}
now noting the negative sign introduced by the first sigma duplication is cancelled by the negation of the last sigma argument, and that
\frac {\sigma^4(\omega_1)\sigma^4(\omega_2)\sigma^4(\omega_3)} {e^{2(\eta_1\omega_1 + \eta_2\omega_2 + \eta_3\omega_3)}} \enspace = \enspace - \kappa^{-2}
it can be seen that the leading factor agrees with that in Hprod.
$H$ in terms of $\Delta$
We have
\Delta(u,v,w) \enspace = \enspace \frac
{\Delta(\frac u 2, \frac v 2, \frac w 2) \thinspace \Delta(\frac u 2 + \omega_1, \frac v 2, \frac w 2) \thinspace \Delta(\frac u 2 + \omega_2, \frac v 2, \frac w 2) \thinspace \Delta(\frac u 2 +
\omega_3, \frac v 2, \frac w 2)}
{\wp'(\frac v 2)^4\thinspace \wp'(\frac w 2)^4}
Applying the duplication for $\sigma$ four times in the numerator and denominator we have
\Delta(u,v,w) \enspace &= \enspace \frac {\sigma(u+v+w)\sigma(u+v-w)\sigma(u-v+w)\sigma(u-v-w)} {\sigma(u)^4} \cdot \frac1 {\sigma(v)^4\sigma(w)^4} \\\\
&=\enspace \frac {\prod\limits_{i=0}^3 \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \omega_i)\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_i)\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 +
\omega_i)\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \omega_i)}
{\prod\limits_{i=0}^3 \sigma(\frac u 2 + \omega_i)^4 \sigma(\frac v 2)^4 \sigma(\frac w 2)^4} \cdot \frac { \sigma(\frac v 2)^{16} \sigma(\frac w 2)^{16}} {\sigma(v)^4\sigma(w)^4}
and after using the $\sigma$ formula for $\wp'$ the stated result follows.
Using Delta2 and wpwp along with H3 we easily get
H(u,v,w,1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace \frac {2 \kappa \Delta(\frac u 2, \frac v 2, \frac w 2)} {\wp'(\frac u 2)\thinspace \wp'(\frac v 2)\thinspace \wp'(\frac w 2)} \enspace = \enspace
\frac {\kappa} {8 \thinspace \wp'(\frac u 2) \wp'(\frac v 2) \wp'(\frac w 2)} \cdot \frac { \prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}}
1 & \wp(\frac u 2) & \phantom{+}\wp'(\frac u 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac v 2) & \pm\wp'(\frac v 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac w 2) & \pm\wp'(\frac w 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac u 2) & \wp^2(\frac u 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac v 2) & \wp^2(\frac v 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac w 2) & \wp^2(\frac w 2) \\
which is a factorisation $H$ into the product of another four determinants.
Proportional Rows
Show that if $u+v+w=0$ then
\wp(u) & \wp'(u) \\
\wp(v) & \wp'(v) \\
1 & \wp'(u) \\
1 & \wp'(v) \\
\end{vmatrix}} \enspace = \enspace
e_1 & h_1(u)h_1(v)h_1(w) \\
e_2 & h_2(u)h_2(v)h_2(w) \\
1 & h_1(u)h_1(v)h_1(w) \\
1 & h_2(u)h_2(v)h_2(w) \\
Another Form
Using CAS it is easy to confirm the following algebraic identity
\prod_{\textsf{all signs}}
\sqrt{x_1-e_1} & \hphantom{+}\sqrt{x_2-e_1} & \hphantom{+}\sqrt{x_3-e_1} \\
\sqrt{x_1-e_2} & \pm\sqrt{x_2-e_2} & \pm\sqrt{x_3-e_2} \\
\sqrt{x_1-e_3} & \pm\sqrt{x_2-e_3} & \pm\sqrt{x_3-e_3} \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 256 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix}^4 \cdot
1 & x_1 & x_1^2 \\
1 & x_2 & x_2^2 \\
1 & x_3 & x_3^2 \\
The sigma product associated with the determinant on the left is
h_1(z_1) & h_1(z_2) & h_1(z_3) \\
h_2(z_1) & h_2(z_2) & h_2(z_3) \\
h_3(z_1) & h_3(z_2) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 4 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{i \gt j} \sigma(\frac {z_i - z_j} 2)\sigma(\frac {z_i + z_j} 2)} {\prod\limits_i \sigma(z_i)}
The $\sigma$ factors are easily determined by counting zeroes and poles in the doubled period lattice $2\Omega$.
The leading constant can be determined by expanding the LHS as power series and then using row operations to eliminate
leading terms in the second and third rows
z_1^{-1} - \tfrac 1 2 e_1 z_1 + (\tfrac 1 2 c_2 - \tfrac 1 8 e_1^2) z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
z_1^{-1} - \tfrac 1 2 e_2 z_1 + (\tfrac 1 2 c_2 - \tfrac 1 8 e_2^2) z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
z_1^{-1} - \tfrac 1 2 e_3 z_1 + (\tfrac 1 2 c_2 - \tfrac 1 8 e_3^2) z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 1 4 (e_1-e_2)(e_1-e_3)
z_1^{-1} - \tfrac 1 2 e_1 z_1 + \bigO(z_1^3) & \ldots \\
z_1 + \tfrac 1 4 (e_1+e_2) z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
z_1 + \tfrac 1 4 (e_1+e_3) z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 1 {16} (e_1-e_2)(e_1-e_3)(e_3-e_2)
z_1^{-1} + \bigO(z_1) & \ldots \\
z_1 + \bigO(z_1^3) & \ldots \\
z_1^3 + \bigO(z_1^5) & \ldots \\
then putting $z_i \mapsto \epsilon z_i$ gives
\tfrac 1 {16} (e_1-e_2)(e_1-e_3)(e_3-e_2)
z_1^{-1} & z_2^{-1} & z_3^{-1} \\
z_1 & z_2 & z_3 \\
z_1^3 & z_2^3 & z_3^3 \\
\end{vmatrix} \epsilon^3 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(\epsilon^5) \enspace = \enspace 4 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\frac {(z_3^2 - z_1^2)(z_3^2 - z_2^2)(z_2^2 - z_1^2)} {64 \thinspace z_1 z_2 z_3} \cdot \epsilon^3 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(\epsilon^5)
The constant is obtained by comparing this with the first term of the power series expansions of the $\sigma$ functions on the RHS.
Taking the product of sqrt3 over the 16 possible combinations of substitutions $z_2 \mapsto z_2 + 2\omega_i$ and $z_3 \mapsto z_3 + 2\omega_j$ where $i,j \in \{0,1,2,3\}$
and utilising the sigma duplication formula etc. must eventually lead to
\prod_{\textsf{all signs}}
h_1(z_1) & \hphantom{+}h_1(z_2) & \hphantom{+}h_1(z_3) \\
h_2(z_1) & \pm h_2(z_2) & \pm h_2(z_3) \\
h_3(z_1) & \pm h_3(z_2) & \pm h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 256 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix}^4 \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{i \gt j} \sigma^4(z_i - z_j)\sigma^4(z_i + z_j)} {\prod\limits_i \sigma^{16}(z_i)}
which is the elliptic function equivalent of sqrt3Alg - I haven't fully computed it to verify this fact.
However we can easily see that there will be $6 \cdot 16 / 4 = 24$ applications of the $\sigma$ duplication formula.
Each application will consume one power of 2 and half a power of the $e$-determinant.
Therefore the leading constant will be $4^{16} \cdot 2^{-24} = 256$.
And the power on the $e$-determinant will be $16 - \tfrac 1 2 \cdot 24 = 4$.
So the leading constant term is verified.
Yet Another Form
The functions $h_1,h_2,h_3$ are roughly equivalent to the Jacobian elliptic functions $\sn,\cn,\dn$.
Along with the constant function they span the vector space of elliptic functions over the doubled period lattice $2\Omega$ with a pole of order at most one at
Therefore we can apply the extended Frobenius-Stickelberger formula to give
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
1 & h_1(z_4) & h_2(z_4) & h_3(z_4) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 8 \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\frac {\sigma\left(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3+z_4} 2\right) \prod\limits_{i \lt j} \sigma\left(\frac {z_i - z_j} 2\right)} {\prod\limits_{i=1}^4 \sigma(z_i)}
Utilising hIdentities to compute the residues at $0,2\omega_1,2\omega_2$
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
1 & h_1(z_4) & h_2(z_4) & h_3(z_4) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
0 & 1 & -1 & -1 \\
0 & -1 & 1 & -1 \\
1 & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\prod\limits_{0 \le i \lt j \le 3} \sigma(2\omega_i - 2\omega_j, 2\Omega) \cdot
\frac {\sigma(z_1+z_2+z_3+z_4, 2\Omega) \prod\limits_{i \lt j} \sigma(z_i - z_j, 2\Omega)} {\prod\limits_{i=1}^4\prod\limits_{j=0}^3\sigma(z_i - 2\omega_j, 2\Omega)}
Evaluating the determinant gives
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
0 & 1 & -1 & -1 \\
0 & -1 & 1 & -1 \\
1 & \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space
0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & -2 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = -4
using eee
\prod\limits_{0 \le i \lt j \le 3} \sigma(2\omega_i - 2\omega_j, 2\Omega) \space = \space
-2^6 \sigma(\omega_1)\sigma(\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_3)\sigma(\omega_1-\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_2-\omega_3)\sigma(\omega_3-\omega_1) \space = \space
-2^6 (e_1-e_2)(e_2-e_3)(e_3-e_1) \prod\limits_{j=1}^3 \sigma^4(\omega_j)
Using the $\sigma$ duplication formula sigmaDup
{\prod\limits_{i=1}^4\prod\limits_{j=0}^3\sigma(z_i - 2\omega_j, 2\Omega)} \space = \space 2^{12} \prod\limits_{i=1}^4 \sigma(z_i) \prod\limits_{j=1}^3 \sigma^4(\omega_j)
Multiplying by $z_4$ then letting $z_4 \rightarrow 0$ in sqrt4 gives
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace -8
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\frac {\sigma\left(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2\right) \prod\limits_{i=1}^3 \sigma(\frac {z_i} 2) \prod\limits_{i \lt j} \sigma\left(\frac {z_i - z_j} 2\right)}
{\prod\limits_{i=1}^3 \sigma(z_i)} \enspace = \enspace
-\kappa \cdot \frac 1 {\wp'(\tfrac {z_1} 2)\wp'(\tfrac {z_2} 2)\wp'(\tfrac {z_3} 2)} \cdot
1 & \wp(\frac {z_1} 2) & \wp'(\frac {z_1} 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac {z_2} 2) & \wp'(\frac {z_2} 2) \\
1 & \wp(\frac {z_3} 2) & \wp'(\frac {z_3} 2) \\
Cross checking the evaluation of the constant by expanding the LHS as power series in $z_i\epsilon$ gives
LHS \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 1 {16} (e_1-e_2)(e_1-e_3)(e_3-e_2)
0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
1 & z_1^{-1} & z_1 & z_1^3 \\
1 & z_2^{-1} & z_2 & z_2^3 \\
1 & z_3^{-1} & z_3 & z_3^3 \\
\end{vmatrix} \epsilon^3 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(\epsilon^4) \enspace = \enspace
\tfrac 1 {16} \cdot
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
(z_2-z_1)(z_3-z_1)(z_3-z_2)(z_1+z_2+z_3) \epsilon^3 \enspace + \enspace \bigO(\epsilon^4)
RHS \enspace = \enspace -8
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \cdot
\left(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2\right)\left(\frac 1 2\right)^3\left(\frac {z_1-z_2} 2\right)\left(\frac {z_1-z_3} 2\right)\left(\frac {z_2-z_3} 2\right) \epsilon^3 \enspace + \enspace
Knowing the four poles and residues of $h_1$ in the doubled period lattice $2\Omega$, and using the first couple of terms of the Laurent expansion at $z=0$ to determine the constant term, we can
h_1(z) \enspace = \enspace \tfrac 1 2 \Big[\zeta\left(\tfrac z 2\right) \space + \space \zeta\left(\tfrac z 2 - \omega_1\right) \space -
\space \zeta\left(\tfrac z 2 - \omega_2\right) \space - \space \zeta\left(\tfrac z 2 - \omega_3\right) \Big] \space + \space \eta_1
and similar formulae for $h_2$ and $h_3$.
Substituting this into the LHS of sqrt4reduced, then applying simplifying row and column operations and then using this classic formula gives
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & \zeta(\frac {z_1} 2 - \omega_1) & \zeta(\frac {z_1} 2 - \omega_2) & \zeta(\frac {z_1} 2 - \omega_3) \\
1 & \zeta(\frac {z_2} 2 - \omega_1) & \zeta(\frac {z_2} 2 - \omega_2) & \zeta(\frac {z_2} 2 - \omega_3) \\
1 & \zeta(\frac {z_3} 2 - \omega_1) & \zeta(\frac {z_3} 2 - \omega_2) & \zeta(\frac {z_3} 2 - \omega_3) \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace -
\frac {\sigma\left(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2\right) \prod\limits_{i \lt j} \sigma\left(\frac {z_i - z_j} 2\right) \sigma\left(\omega_j - \omega_i\right)}
{\prod\limits_{i=1}^3 \prod\limits_{j=1}^3 \sigma(\frac {z_i} 2 - \omega_j)}
Under the substitution $(z_1,z_2,z_3) \mapsto (z_1+2\omega_1,z_2+2\omega_2,z_3+2\omega_3)$ the expression $\sigma(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2)$ is preserved.
There are 6 similar substitutions.
Under the substitution $(z_1,z_2,z_3) \mapsto (z_1+2\omega_1,z_2+2\omega_1,z_3)$ the expression $\sigma(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2)$ is preserved modulo an exponential factor.
There are 9 similar substitutions.
Along with the identity substitution that gives 16 substitutions which preserve $\sigma(\frac {z_1+z_2+z_3} 2)$.
If we look at the LHS we see that these substitutions flip the signs on the $h_i$ terms in such a way that there is always
an even number of minus signs in each row and an even number in each column. So what does the algebraic product of these 16 determinants look like ???
Wait that's not quite right. What we need to do is take the product over a representative from each of the 16 equivalence classes!
Presumably a careful evaluation of the product of variants of sqrt4reduced arising from the 256 substitutions $(z_1,z_2,z_3) \mapsto (z_1+2\omega_i,\pm z_2+2\omega_j,\pm z_3+2\omega_k)$
will yield a formula something like
\prod_{\textsf{all signs}}
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & \hphantom{+}\sqrt{x_1-e_1} & \pm\sqrt{x_2-e_1} & \pm\sqrt{x_3-e_1} \\
1 & \pm\sqrt{x_1-e_2} & \pm\sqrt{x_2-e_2} & \pm\sqrt{x_3-e_2} \\
1 & \pm\sqrt{x_1-e_3} & \pm\sqrt{x_2-e_3} & \pm\sqrt{x_3-e_3} \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 2^{320} \Delta^{16}
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 \\
1 & x_1 & x_1^2 \\
1 & x_2 & x_2^2 \\
1 & x_3 & x_3^2 \\
Correct Algebraic Solution
What we need to do is chose the variants of sqrt4reduced that arise from the 16 substitutions $(z_1,z_2,z_3) \mapsto (z_1 + 2\omega_i, \thinspace\pm z_2, \thinspace\pm z_3)$ for
After a little simplification
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix}, \qquad
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & -h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix}, \qquad
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & h_1(z_1) & -h_2(z_1) & h_3(z_1) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
\end{vmatrix}, \qquad
0 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1 & h_1(z_1) & h_2(z_1) & -h_3(z_1) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_2) & h_2(z_2) & h_3(z_2) \\
\pm 1 & h_1(z_3) & h_2(z_3) & h_3(z_3) \\
With $i$ fixed this gives us the four $H$-factors.
With the signs fixed the substitutions we get the four $E$-factors.
$E$ In Four Variables
From the Extended Frobenius-Stickelberger theorem
E(u,v,w,x) \space = \space
1 & \wp(u) & \wp^2(u) & h_1(u)h_2(u)h_3(u) \\
1 & \wp(v) & \wp^2(v) & h_1(v)h_2(v)h_3(v) \\
1 & \wp(w) & \wp^2(w) & h_1(w)h_2(w)h_3(w) \\
1 & \wp(x) & \wp^2(x) & h_1(x)h_2(x)h_3(x) \\
\end{vmatrix} \space = \space
- \frac {\sigma(u+v+w+x)\sigma(u-v)\sigma(u-w)\ldots\sigma(w-x)} {\sigma^4(u)\sigma^4(v)\sigma^4(w)\sigma^4(x)}
Evaluating the LHS at $u=\omega_1,v=\omega_2,w=\omega_3$ is easily seen to give $- \tfrac 1 2 \kappa \wp'(x)$ and the RHS gives
- \frac {\sigma(\omega_1-\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_2-\omega_3)\sigma(\omega_3-\omega_1)\sigma(x)\sigma(x-\omega_1)\sigma(x-\omega_2)\sigma(x-\omega_3)}
{\sigma^4(\omega_1)\sigma^4(\omega_2)\sigma^4(\omega_3)\sigma^4(x)} \space = \space
- \kappa \cdot \left(-\tfrac 1 2\right) \cdot \sigma(2x) \cdot \frac 1 {\sigma^4(x)} \space = \space - \tfrac 1 2 \kappa \wp'(x)
Taking the product of E1 evaluated at $u,\pm v,\pm w,\pm x$ with an even number of minus signs,
we have $6 \times 4 / 2 = 12$ occurrances of $\wp$ difference factors which is two Vandermonde determinants worth,
leaving $4 \times 4 - 2\times 6 = 4$ powers of $\sigma$ in the denominator
\prod_{\textsf{evens}} E(u,\pm v,\pm w, \pm x) \space = \space
1 & \wp(u) & \wp^2(u) & \wp^3(u) \\
1 & \wp(v) & \wp^2(v) & \wp^3(v) \\
1 & \wp(w) & \wp^2(w) & \wp^3(w) \\
1 & \wp(x) & \wp^2(x) & \wp^3(x) \\
\end{vmatrix}^2 \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{evens}} \sigma(u \pm v \pm w \pm x)} {\sigma^4(u)\sigma^4(v)\sigma^4(w)\sigma^4(x)}
and a similar formula for odds.
$H$ In Four Variables
In preparation for analysing the quartic let
H(u,v,w,x,\delta_1,\delta_2,\delta_3) \space = \space
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & \delta_1 \thinspace h_1(u)h_1(v)h_1(w)h_1(x) \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & \delta_2 \thinspace h_2(u)h_2(v)h_2(w)h_2(x) \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & \delta_3 \thinspace h_3(u)h_3(v)h_3(w)h_3(x) \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
H(-u,v,w,x,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,x,-1,-1,-1) \\
H(u + 2\omega_1,v,w,x,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,x,1,-1,-1) \\
H(u + 2\omega_2,v,w,x,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,x,-1,1,-1) \\
H(u + 2\omega_3,v,w,x,1,1,1) \space &= \space H(u,v,w,x,-1,-1,1) \\
and similar identities for the $v,w,x$ variables.
In the arguments $u,v,w,x$ $H$ is an elliptic function of order 4 over the doubled period lattice $2\Omega$.
Therefore we can deduce that
H(u,v,w,x,1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace 2\kappa \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{evens}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 \pm \frac x 2)} {\sigma(u)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)\sigma(x)} \qquad\qquad\qquad
H(u,v,w,x,-1,-1,-1) \enspace = \enspace -2\kappa \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{odds}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 \pm \frac x 2)} {\sigma(u)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)\sigma(x)}
Utilising a previously derived eight term $\sigma$ product we must have
H(u,v,w,x,1,1,1) \thinspace H(u,v,w,x,-1,-1,-1) \enspace = \enspace -4\kappa^2 \thinspace \frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 \pm \frac x 2)}
where the leading factor is to be confirmed.
Because $H(u,v,w,x,1,1,1)=H(u,-v,-w,x,1,1,1)$ we know that if $\sigma(u+v+w+x,2\Omega)$ is a factor of $H(u,v,w,x,1,1,1)$ then so is $\sigma(u-v-w+x,2\Omega)$.
Continuing this process we can deduce the split up into factors with an even / odd number of minus signs.
To confirm leading factor put $u=v=w=x=z$ in the LHS of the second equation of Isigma and then eliminate terms using elementary column operations
H(z,z,z,z,-1,-1,-1) \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & - h_1^4(z) \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & - h_2^4(z) \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & - h_3^4(z) \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & -\wp^2(z) + 2e_1 \wp(z) - e_1^2 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & -\wp^2(z) + 2e_2 \wp(z) - e_2^2 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & -\wp^2(z) + 2e_3 \wp(z) - e_3^2 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & 0 \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & 0 \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 2 \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace = \enspace 2\kappa
The RHS gives
-2\kappa \cdot \frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{odds}} \sigma(\frac z 2 \pm \frac z 2 \pm \frac z 2 \pm \frac z 2)} {\sigma(z)\sigma(z)\sigma(z)\sigma(z)} \enspace = \enspace
-2 \kappa \cdot \frac {\sigma^3(z)\sigma(-z)} {\sigma^4(z)} \enspace = \enspace 2 \kappa
where evens means terms with an even number of minus signs, and odds means terms with an odd number.
Multiply both sides of Isigma by $x$ then let $x \rightarrow 0$ to give H3 multiplied by $-1$, and H3 straight.
Appying a simple translation and negation of the $u$-arguments in Isigma gives the other sign variants
H(u,v,w,x,1,-1,-1) \enspace = \enspace 2\kappa \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{evens}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 \pm \frac x 2 + \omega_1)} {\sigma(u + 2\omega_1)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)\sigma(x)} \qquad\qquad\qquad
H(u,v,w,x,-1,1,1) \enspace = \enspace -2\kappa \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{odds}} \sigma(\frac u 2 \pm \frac v 2 \pm \frac w 2 \pm \frac x 2 + \omega_1)} {\sigma(u + 2\omega_1)\sigma(v)\sigma(w)\sigma(x)}
By taking the product of Isigma and I2 over the $0,\omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3$ variants we get
\prod_{\textsf{evens}} H(u,v,w,x,\pm 1,\pm 1, \pm 1) \enspace = \enspace \kappa^2 \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{evens}} \sigma(u \pm v \pm w \pm x)} {\sigma^4(u)\sigma^4(v)\sigma^4(w)\sigma^4(x)} \qquad\qquad\quad
\prod_{\textsf{odds}} H(u,v,w,x,\pm 1,\pm 1, \pm 1) \enspace = \enspace \kappa^2 \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{odds}} \sigma(u \pm v \pm w \pm x)} {\sigma^4(u)\sigma^4(v)\sigma^4(w)\sigma^4(x)}
because the leading constant term, after applying the $\sigma$ duplication formula to the four sign variants in the numerator and the $\sigma$ translation formula to the $u$ terms in the
denominator, is
\big[\pm 2\kappa \big]^4 \cdot \left[\frac {\sigma(\omega_1)\sigma(\omega_2)\sigma(\omega_3)} {2} \right]^4 \cdot \frac {(-1)^3} {e^{2(\eta_1\omega_1+\eta_2\omega_2+\eta_3\omega_3)}} \space =
\space \kappa^2
Finally taking the product of the two formula in I3 gives
\prod_{\textsf{all signs}} H(u,v,w,x,\pm 1,\pm 1, \pm 1) \enspace = \enspace \kappa^4 \cdot
\frac {\prod\limits_{\textsf{all signs}} \sigma(u \pm v \pm w \pm x)} {\sigma^8(u)\sigma^8(v)\sigma^8(w)\sigma^8(x)}
Four Variable Summary
Using the convention that root extraction takes the root whose meromorphic expansion have residue $+1$ at zero, we have
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & \hphantom{+}h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w)\thinspace h_1(x) \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & \hphantom{+}h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w)\thinspace h_2(x) \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & \hphantom{+}h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w)\thinspace h_3(x) \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \kappa \cdot \frac
{\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \frac x 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 - \frac x 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \frac x 2) \thinspace
\sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \frac x 2)} {\sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v) \thinspace \sigma(w) \thinspace \sigma(x)} \\\\\\
1 & e_1 & e_1^2 & -h_1(u)\thinspace h_1(v)\thinspace h_1(w)\thinspace h_1(x) \\
1 & e_2 & e_2^2 & -h_2(u)\thinspace h_2(v)\thinspace h_2(w)\thinspace h_2(x) \\
1 & e_3 & e_3^2 & -h_3(u)\thinspace h_3(v)\thinspace h_3(w)\thinspace h_3(x) \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\
\end{vmatrix} \enspace &= \enspace 2 \kappa \cdot \frac
{\sigma(-\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \frac x 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 - \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 + \frac x 2) \thinspace \sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 - \frac w 2 + \frac x 2) \thinspace
\sigma(\frac u 2 + \frac v 2 + \frac w 2 - \frac x 2) } {\sigma(u) \thinspace \sigma(v) \thinspace \sigma(w) \thinspace \sigma(x)}